Today I’m showing you how to turn your IGTV videos into a podcast episode in this tutorial video!

Today I’m showing you how to turn your IGTV videos into a podcast episode in this tutorial video!
If you’re a podcaster that wants to earn money from your podcast, you need to have a solid financial plan ready to go. If you’re a business owner that has a podcast, you need to know how your podcast is supporting your business financially. How do you figure this out? With my wonderful pal and client Melissa Houston, the host of the Think Like A CFO podcast!
In this video I’m showing you how to use Dynamic Content in BuzzSprout to add and change promos and ads to your podcast at the beginning and end of each episode.
Ok, pal! We’re going to set your 2021 podcast goals right here right now! And if you want a further look at how to do this, I definitely recommend listening to episode 38 of Ultimate Podcast Marketing for a complete strategic review exercise.
A few months ago I was dabbling with the idea of helping other entrepreneurs and freelancers start their own podcast production business using the processes and systems I created over the last year. I even created a free guide for anyone interested in doing this!
Sick of wasting time on your content? Well why the heck aren’t you reusing your podcast to make your life easier? In this episode I’m sharing my top 10 ways to repurpose your podcast content like a boss!
Today we’re talking about how to bring guests on your show, what to do with them when they’re on, and how to leverage their audience to grow yours!
It’s time to look at some key areas where your podcast is doing well, where it’s not meeting your expectations, and what you can do to get to the next level with your podcast by setting podcast goals for 2021.
On todays episode of Ultimate Podcast Marketing, I’m introducing you to Laura Clark! My very own podcast editor! And we’re going to walk you through what to expect when you hire a podcast editor.
Wondering why the number of listens on your podcast aren’t going up? Maybe you need to focus on audience engagement to boost your podcast downloads! In this episode I’m going to help you to create a plan to increase listens per episode, and some actionable steps to implement right away!
You write ‘em, you slack on ‘em, and then ya forget about ‘em. I’m talking about SHOW NOTES! And why show notes matter! And how to write show notes for your podcast that convert listeners into clients! And I’m joined by my guest Valeska Griffiths, the new Copy Chief at The Ultimate Creative!
Need a quick breakdown to create a content map with your podcast? HERE YA GO, PAL!
If you’re always scrambling to figure out what to talk about on your podcast, share on social media, or email to your list each week, this episode is for you. In this episode I’m going to show you how to use your podcast as your content map, so that you can feel less stress about content planning and see how a podcast can create all of the content you need. And guess what – it’s not as much effort as you might think!
I want you to be successful, so I’m always coming up with new ways to grow your podcast. Take it! In your inbox! It’s great!
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