On todays episode of Ultimate Podcast Marketing, I’m introducing you to Laura Clark! My very own podcast editor! And we’re going to walk you through what to expect when you hire a podcast editor.
I originally met Laura back in February of 2020 when she did some work for me as a virtual assistant and totally made my life easier! And of course I don’t need to tell the story of my business shift again, but several months later I reached out to Laura again to see if she had capacity to help me to edit my podcast.
Look, I know I’m totally capable of editing my podcast myself, but to be honest with you I’m not as organized with my own content as I am with my clients’ content. And I think that’s normal, most people I speak with tell me that their content comes dead last and that’s why we ultimately start working together.
Having the accountability to Laura to get her all of my recordings and keep her in the loop of what’s coming up next and what to expect is so essential for me. It’s also a huge weight off my shoulders – you’ve probably heard me say how important it is to batch record and be proactive with your content, right? The only way I can do that is by having a deadline to get my content over to Laura, so that she can do her magic and edit my podcasts.
In this episode we talk about:
- How Laura and I started working together
- Laura’s podcast project at Ryerson’s Social Venture Zone that examines class, how it impacts people’s perceptions of one another and why a podcast is the perfect medium for this
- How podcast audio aesthetic can help shape stories and narrative, and the construction of a story
- How to communicate feedback for the podcast editing process with your editor
- Working on a production process with your editor
- The importance of batch recording and editing
- Essential production elements that every podcaster should be implementing
- What to listen for during the editing process
- Empowering guests with some knowledge of the editing process so they feel more confident when they’re on a podcast
- How to leave them wanting more!
Laura is amazing and I feel so lucky that she’s on The Ultimate Creative team! Laura would love to get your input for her new podcast, so if you or someone you know has a story about someone taking your class temperature, has given you a chance without a degree, if you’ve had to change your name to increases your chances of getting a job interview, Laura wants to hear it! Email her at [email protected]
If you’d like to explore working with a podcast production team, head over to theultimatecreative.com/podcasting and get on the waitlist to work with us in the new year!
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
- Sandy & Nora podcast
- Women Who Freelance Directory
- Socialee Media Agency