Before I started podcasting for my business with Ultimate Podcast Marketing, I had several other podcasts. I was also a podcast editor for several years, working on various shows. When I was a kid, I had that super cool short-wave radio toy that would broadcast my very own radio show to a boombox about 10 feet away, where my very patient little brother would sit and listen to me ramble on about who I had a crush on that week.
Needless to say, I’ve always been a fan of audio as a medium.
AND, I’ve always known that podcasting for business is an exceptionally powerful way to engage an audience and grow a business. But I never did it for my own business, not really, until 2020.
After parting ways with a business partner back in March, I had to make some really important decisions about the future of The Ultimate Creative and how I wanted to be seen. I knew that I was totally done with being the “behind the scenes” person, and wanted more attention on myself to build my own dreams. I knew that I wanted to motivate people to accomplish their own dreams, and that I wanted to share what I had learned (the hard way) to help others.
I knew I wanted a podcast for my business, and I knew exactly why I needed to start one – because I knew it would completely change my business.
Ultimate Podcast Marketing with Emily Milling · Episode 21: How Podcasting For My Business Changed Everything
Here are just a few of the ways podcasting for business has changed everything:
Right out of the gate, and I’ve said this a zillion times, my first few episodes were totally clunky. They’re a great example of “Shy Emily” finding her voice after a rather tumultuous season. I’m a performer, so this really felt like it was supposed to come naturally to me, but honestly, it didn’t! At first. Over time I have developed a voice for The Ultimate Creative that is much more authentic to me.
I’ve been getting better and better at interviewing guests, I’m so much more comfortable delivering live webinars and classes now, and I just feel like a million bucks knowing that I’m finally doing what I always wanted to do with my own business podcast, and my course Podcast Rocket.
Attracting the right clients
Another amazing change is that I am now attracting clients that are a much better personality fit for me. I talk about this in “How To Attract The Right Customers With Your Podcast” and the steps I took to tailor this podcast towards the people that I want to be working with. Now, the people I’m engaging with are totally on the same wavelength as me, they’re funny, they’re weird, and I have SO much fun working with them!
More visibility
Obviously since I’ve put myself front and centre in my branding I’m giving myself more visibility than ever before. Adding the podcasting for my business to the mix has elevated my status as an industry leader, and now I’m being asked to speak on the topic of podcasting more frequently.
More trust
Before people sign up for my course Podcast Rocket, or they sign up for one of my services, they know that they can trust me to deliver. By putting out a podcast consistently every week for the last few months (except for one very important week) I’ve given my audience a reliable schedule on which they can count.
More fun
Oh my gosh I’m having so much more fun with this podcast than any other marketing tool so far! I get to interview amazing people, I get to talk about what I’m passionate about, and I get to just be me! That makes running my business SO much more fun and so much more fulfilling!
Want to start podcasting for your business?
Make sure you subscribe to The Ultimate Creative Podcast wherever you get your podcasts, and if you like the show and want to share a little love, please rate and review! Not only does it help other people JUST LIKE YOU find the show, it also makes me feel like a million bucks!
Interested in starting a podcast? Take my mini-course “How To Start A Podcast!” It’s your next step to totally changing your business!
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Start A Podcast Mini Course
- Episode 17: Attracting The Right Customers With Your Podcast
- Episode 10: Being Yourself On Your Podcast