Ditch that overwhelm! If you don’t know how to name your podcast, you’re not alone. I myself am just terrible, awful at naming things. That’s why my partner Justin Decloux names things for me. But if you don’t have a Justin Decloux in your life, follow these handy dandy tips to name your podcast!

1. Keep It Relevant
It can be fun to have a title that sounds a little cheeky or wacky, but take it from me – I tried to start an improv podcast called Wine Dahlings with my friend Alicia Carrick and we realized verrrry quickly that our podcast had nothing to do with wine. Although we did try to down a bottle each during our first recording attempt – it did not go well. Choose a name that’s going to be relevant to the content of the show, like “The Improv Entertainment Hour” or “Imaprove It To You!” Or, you know, “The Ultimate Creative Podcast”.
A title like “Superhero Crab” is not relevant for a show that discusses gardening – unless there’s a plant called “Superhero Crab,” in which case, I want one.

2. Keep It Short
Not only is it difficult to find long names in directory apps, it’s also annoying to have to type the name out every time you want to find it! And who the heck is going to tag your podcast if they can’t type the whole dang thing?
Plus, the name will be easier to remember if it’s short. Think “Comedy Bang Bang” or “Best Friends” or “The Business Of Thinking Big” vs. “The Podcast About Business Mindset And Strategy For Business Growth”.

3. Keep It Familiar
If you already have an existing brand and products with similar names, it will make finding your podcast easier for your audience. Take it from the very amazing Sara Vartanian, creator of “The Copy Playbook” and the new podcast “The Launch Playbook”. Having familiar titles means that your audience knows which keywords to look for, and repetition will cement that in their brains.

4. Keep It Clear
Use words that are easy to understand and easy to type. Ambiguous language like “The Innovation Grease Spiral” (while a great punk rock corporate band name) is confusing at best! In addition to that, making up words only really works if you’ve got an established made up word in the first place.
There’s one exception to the made up word thing though – if your whole entire plan is to make up a new word, then you might be ok with a made up word in your title.
Otherwise, just… leave that to 2004.

5. Keep It Unique
Do yourself a quick favour and see if it’s already out there. Apple Podcasts will not allow duplicate titles, so searching there will guarantee that you have a unique title if you can’t find it. You’ll also want to make sure that you can get a username on various social platforms as well!
The main reason why you want to have a unique podcast title is to make it easier for your audience to find you. There’s TOO MUCH CONTENT in the world so if you want to stick out, ya better be unique!
Interested in starting your own podcast? I’ve got just the thing for ya! Try out my free mini course How To Start A Podcast and see just how quickly you can turn your idea into a produceable podcast!