In this episode I interview comic book author and editor Stephanie Cooke. Stephanie shares with us how she developed her personal brand through podcasting.
She joined a regular weekly comic book show and interviewed people for 3-4 years which spun off into other shows and other projects, including a podcast radio play called VRMP (which yours truly co-produced!) and ultimately built out her network of industry professionals.
But it wasn’t just about the network – Stephanie also put a lot of work into developing her personal brand online in order to gain visibility and notoriety in the comic book world. A healthy dose of positivity and engagement on social media was one of her go-to strategies to get more people checking out her work and sharing it!
Since Stephanie spent so many years interviewing people in the comic book industry on her podcast, when she was ready to find an agent and start selling her work, she already knew the ins and outs of the business. Not only that, but they already knew who she was – so getting that visibility and having the credibility made it much easier for her to take the leap and start selling her work professionally.
If it had’t been for podcasting, Stephanie’s career would have been totally different. The opportunities she created for herself by jumping in and being the industry expert she is on various shows absolutely helped her along her thriving career journey!
Thinking about starting a podcast?
You’re in luck! I’ve just launched Podcast Rocket, a brand new course that will take you from just a podcast idea to a fully launched show with 4 episodes ready to go in just 5 weeks! I’ll teach you everything you need to know starting with your podcast purpose and how you’ll use it to generate income, as well as different types of recording setups (including interviewing guests for great sound quality), and how to edit your podcast. Then we’ll cover how to use your podcast content to make your content marketing strategy more effective as we prepare for launch and develop a marketing campaign that will help you get into Apple Podcast’s New & Noteworthy section!
If you’re thinking about starting a podcast there has literally never been a better time, and you can absolutely establish yourself as an industry leader now, and stand out from the crowd with your expertise.
Links mentioned in this episode: