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Perfectly Imperfect Podcasting with Kirsten Jordan

by | Podcast

In this episode of Ultimate Podcast Marketing, I get to learn all about Podcast Rockteer Kirsten Jordan, and her journey to entrepreneurship through digital marketing! Kirsten’s passion for helping women entrepreneurs to see that their social feeds don’t need to be the picture of “perfection” has inspired her to launch both a podcast and a course with the title “Perfectly Imperfect Social” where she gets down to the facts – social media doesn’t need to be perfect to be effective!

Using Digital Media For Good

Kirsten’s passion for social media started when she worked with my very good pal Jo Anne Tacorda back at Taking It Global, which is a company that connects youth from around the world, and use tech and digital platforms to do that. Through this work, Kirsten realized what tech can do, especially for social good. After seeing what the youth on the platform were doing to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others, Kirsten was hooked.

Shifting To Authenticity

If you’ve been on social media ever, in your life, you’ve probably also noticed the shift from having thousands of followers to much smaller numbers, which Kirsten calls “micro-influencers.” It’s pretty easy to see through the false follow-bots these days (ummm no one has 17.4k followers and follows no one and only has 27 posts…) and because people are much more savvy they’re getting rid of the “big” influencers in favour of people with smaller audiences that they feel they can trust more. The shift to authenticity is making it even more possible for small businesses to have a greater impact!

Starting A Podcast

I love Kirsten’s journey to podcasting, what started out as an idea for a course for social media turned into audio case studies, which then turned into – you guessed it – her podcast! Kirsten was one of the first Rocketeers through Podcast Rocket back in May, and since then we’ve worked together to produce 12 episodes!

I LOVE her podcast because Kirsten doesn’t shy away from sharing her opinion, which generates even more conversations with her guests. Each guest she has on has a completely different approach to social media, so whether you’re a super planner (like me) or you like to do your social off the cuff, you’ll find something in each episode that resonates with your own style and gives you tips to improve your strategies. Seriously, I LOVE IT.

Your Turn!

If starting a podcast is on your mind, I invite you to join me on October 14 at 7pm EST for a live masterclass, 3 Steps To Launch Your Podcast in 2020! In this class we’ll be covering the essentials you’ll need to know to get your podcast out of your head and into the ears of the people that want to hear it! Sign up for that at

Links mentioned in this episode:

Kirsten Jordan’s website –

Kirsten’s IG –

Perfectly Imperfect Podcasting with Kirsten Jordan

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Podcast Rocket with Emily Milling

Free Training!

Want to fast-track your podcast launch? So many amazing podcasts are never heard because getting started can be so overwhelming! That’s why I created a free masterclass, “5 simple steps to start your podcast” to help you create an easy podcast launch plan!

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